Exodus 27

Hollow with boards shalt thou make it: as it was shewed thee in the mount, so shall they make it.
Exodus 27:8 KJV commentary https://bible.com/bible/1/exo.27.8.KJV

At this point I wonder how did God come about such specific measurement.

The details are so specific it reeks of someone who has done it before and thus has the blueprint.

And indeed He has because he tell Moses to follow the template on the mountain ⛰ he saw.

So Moses was sent to the mountain and there he saw the ark of the lord.

I’m modern terminology he might have seen a hologram with such vivid details and so advanced that he could touch and feel and even possible sacrifices.

I do not think the template he saw was just a blueprint for the earth… Because we are later told of the tabernacle in heaven.

If there is a tabernacle in heaven then there are sacrifices offered.

The sort of sacrifice we are not told but it was of a sort that could accept the blood of Jesus. https://bible.com/bible/1/exo.27.8.KJV